Katie and Michelle | Orcas Island Wedding

After Katie and Michelle’s amazingly beautiful engagement on San Juan Island, Erika and I were so excited to photograph their wedding on Orcas Island. It was an amazing affair.


Getting Ready

Sunset over San Juan Ferries photo
Fog over Orcas Island photo

We woke up on the wedding morning and headed off to meet with the brides. The fog was laying low over Orcas Island, but there was great energy in the rental homes.

Bride's dress with bridesmaids black and white photo
Wedding Rings photo

I love this ring box. It’s so special and was made by the Katie’s dad. It’s so special.

Wedding Rings photo
Bride's dress hangs outside photo
Bride's dress hangs outside photo
Bride stands outside with her friends photo
Bride and her ring hold mimosa photo
Bride takes self portrait with bridesmaids photo

This group was so much fun to be around!

Bridesmaid throws baby up in the air photo
bride holds bridesmaid photo
Bride stands by the window photo
Bride's shoes photo
Bride smiles outside photo

First Look

Brides have first look at mt constitution photo

For the first look, we all headed up to the top of Mt Constitution. From there, we were on top of the world, literally floating above the clouds as the brides saw each other for the first time. It was the most epic spot for a first look I’ve photographed yet.

Brides kiss orcas island photo
brides kiss orcas island wedding photo
Brides and bridesmaids stand on mt constitution photo
brides and bridesmaids stand on mt constitution photo
brides smile together photo

I love bridal photos.

brides with view from mt constitution photo
brides with mt constitution photo
bride with tatoos photo
Brides kidss photo
wedding party orcas island wedding photo
brides kiss at mountain lake photo
brides kiss at mountain wedding photo
bride smiles in the sunset photo


Wedding schedule photo
Booze it or loose it photo

From the bridal photos, we went back down to the Odd Fellows Hall for the ceremony. I love this venue and the way that it sits on top of the water. It’s beautiful, open and can be the perfect site for everyone.

Chairs at orcas island wedding photo Odd Fellows Hall
Brides walk down the stairs at Odd Fellows Hall photo
Bride with her parents photo

Does it get any better than a wedding on a sunny PNW day?

Orcas Island Wedding photo
Orcas Island Wedding photo
Brides together orcas island wedding photo
Orcas Island Wedding at Odd Fellows Hall photo
Brides hold hands at Odd Fellows Hall photo
Toast at Odd Fellows Hall photo
 Toast at Orcas Island Wedding Odd Fellows Hall photo
Brides First KIss photo
Brides Celebrate Odd Fellows Hall photo
All the family photo
Brides walk down pier photo
Brides walk in the sunset photo
Brides kiss in the sunset photo
Brides laugh together outside odd fellows hall photo
Flowers on car photo


Salad at dinner odd fellows hall wedding photo
Certificate of marriage orcas island wedding at Odd Fellows Hall photo

Once the ceremony was over, it was time to party. The couple did a great job of setting up just the perfect balance of fun and meaning. They started with great pizza, continued with precious dances and ended with flip cup. This may be the best combination ever.

pizza photo
dinner tables at odd fellows hall wedding photo
Brides have first dance photo
56 - Bride dances with father orcas island wedding at Odd Fellows Hall photo
bride dances with father orcas island wedding photo
Everyone dances Orcas Island wedding at Odd Fellows Hall photo
Friend dances at Orcas Island Wedding Odd Fellows Hall photo
Celebrating Flip Cup at Orcas Island Wedding photo
Brides dance at Orcas Island Wedding at Odd Fellows Hall photo
Everyone Plays Flip Cup at Orcas Island WEdding photo
Brides kiss at Orcas Island Wedding at Odd Fellows Hall at Odd Fellows Hall photo

Thank you again Katie and Michelle. Erika and I absolutely loved celebrating with you!

JTobiason Photography | Orcas Island Wedding | Odd Fellows Hall Wedding | Seattle Wedding Photographer | Joe@JTobiason.com | 253.642.7142

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